After months of swapping and purchasing via etsy and ebay, last June I cut into some precious bits of Flea Market Fancy. And then I got distracted. So here is a UFO that sat neglected for nearly a year. With any luck, it will get finished up this week.
The pattern is Saltwater Taffy by Fig Tree. I love the unique inner border shape. If you try this pattern, there are a TON of bias edges. I recommend using the starch when sewing with the stretchy borders. It helped a ton.
My little block from my previous post measures in at exactly 5″. Each HST before being stitched together is right about 1 1/8″ square. And I am making more. I figure I have enough scraps for 4 more blocks.
Nine of my awesome readers guessed the size right! And of those, the winner, as chosen by my husband, is:
Congrats, Karen! I am sending you an email and we’ll get this charm bundle off to you shortly.

It’s gorgeous Amanda! Great pattern to use for the precious FMF. 🙂
Man, a 1 in 9 shot & I still come up short…lol… Congrats to Karen!
I LOVE the block from this post.
wow! that is one beautiful quilt! love it!
Way cute quilt! love the finished project!
So very pretty!
Congrats Karen! I am actually pretty excited that I guessed right too. 🙂
I love your quilt! I so need to cut into my stash and make something wonderful with my FMF!