This year, I want to cut back on my fabric buying. I am not saying I am going on a fabric diet, but I am going to try and buy only fabric that I really love. You know the kind; the ones that keep you up at night, dreaming of all the fun creations you could make with it. I am going to try and not just buy gorgeous fabric because its available.
My second ‘resolution’ is to use the fabric that I don’t really love and make it into something that I DO really love. My first experiment is going to be with this Basicgrey Blush I bought last year for some unknown reason. These aren’t colors or styles I normally enjoy working with, but I am going to try my hand at making them somehting that I am happy with.
I am also going to try and use every pattern in Camille’s book. So far, I finished Sugar Rush (twice) so now I am on to ‘Coming Home’.
Wish me luck!

Hey, I thought I was going to make every pattern in Camille’s book! Well, I’ve only made Sugar Rush almost once, since it’s not quilted yet, so I’m already behind. I do have plans – I think the Charm Square Swap fabrics would be awesome in a Sweet Pea quilt, and I like the idea of making “Just OK” fabric into something awesome. Here I am wishing you luck and hoping I can do the same.
What a good resolution (to use fabric you don’t love to turn into something you do love). I will be interested to see what you come up with!