I’ve been meaning to post this quilt block tutorial FOREVER. Time just flies right by and this pretty spring weather has me itching to be outside. Two weeks ago, my sweet friend Ashley texted and told me she would be visiting from California and bringing her sweet new baby boy with her. How could I pass up the opportunity to make him a sweet little quilt?!
Here’s a quick little tutorial for how I made these little stars. My husband nicknamed them ‘samurai stars’ (and made ninja jokes for an entire day). These are so fun and easy to make, I already want to make another one for my little guy!
For each block, you are going to need:
4 Dark Prints 5.5″ x 3″
4 Light or Solid pieces 5.5″x3″
4 Dark 3″ Squares (you may want to do two pairs of coordinating by different prints as shown for an hourglass effect)
4 Light 3″ Squares
Start by placing a ‘dark’ print (the center of your star) on the left side of one of the dark 5.5″x3″ pieces
Sew a seam as shown (I sew two seams so that after trimming I have a sewn HST. A little trick I learned during the Swoon-Along a couple summers ago on flickr)
Trim off the extra and Press your seam to the inside
Place a background piece on the opposite side (right sides together) and sew the seam as shown.
Press the seams toward the flying geese triangle.
Add the low volume or solid background print to the base of the flying geese (goose?!)
Press the seams to the dark print.
Layout your star as shown.
Sew your top and bottom pairs of blocks together.
And then sew the final seam of the block.
Ta da! You now have the cutest little not-too-girly star.
And I think I owe you a little winner for the giveaway on my last post. Mr. Random chose number 164, Linda as my little winner. Linda, send me a note through etsy with your address and I’ll get this bundle on its way to you 🙂

AHHHHHH!!!! I LOVE this star! Thank you for the tutorial!
Great tutorial ~ love the pattern! Your husband is a funny guy.
Awesome! I have been waiting for this tutorial since you mentioned something about it on IG.
I love this block! What a sweet quilt it makes!
The cute (and the baby) are adorable. Thanks for the tutorial!
Love the stars, the quilt, and the tute!! Thanks!!
Great tutorial, and love the HST tip… now I just have to remember it LOL
This is awesome! And perfect timing, my five year-old has been begging for a quilt and this is just the thing, thanks!
Love this! It makes me want to take a day off work and just make a whole bunch of these stars. Pure awesomeness.
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Wow! This quilt is to die for! Thanks for the tutorial! Come visit our blog and become a member!
What an awesome little star! I am totally loving this block! Thank you so much for the tut…I will definitely be adding this to my “to make list.”
Pretty nifty tutorial!! Love the quilt…
Pretty nifty tutorial!! Love the quilt…