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I’ve had a few questions on some of my most recent posts, so I thought I would sum them up in one post 🙂 Especially since my email is acting up and while I can receive messages, I can’t send them (um, anyone have an idea what happened?!)
So, questions from my last post:
Which sheets do you use from Target?
I guess I didn’t realize target has a bunch of different room essentials sheets. The ones I use are a polyester/cotton blend. But they are wonderful (really!) I’m thinking I need this set in pink herringbone. Yes?
What do you think of the other types of Room Essentials sheets?
Personally, I wouldn’t recommend using microfiber or jersey knit. I’ve heard some people love jersey knit. I can’t recommend them because I haven’t used them. I DID use a microfiber sheet as a back once and I HATE it. It slips off of the bed and generally annoys me.
Questions on my post on my depression during pregnancy.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered everyone personally. I really am. Just writing that post somehow made me feel very vulnerable, and I want to run and hide from that feeling. But the number one response was so sweet and supportive. Thank you. And the number two response asked me how I coped. Many of you asked via email and facebook messaging how I got it under control. I wish I had the answers. I will say that faking being ok helped me. I’m sure this is the WRONG answer for a lot of people. But for me, getting up in the morning, washing my face, then forcing a smile at myself in the mirror, getting dressed and then going out and being around people. Something I’ve been struggling with is that my shop is part of my home and my helpers work in my shop. When I struggled with depression, I really wanted to isolate myself, but I couldn’t because I am literally never alone. What a blessing, right? The two amazing ladies who were with me during that time were heaven sent. I had to part with them at the end of July and I cried buckets. I’m a pretty lucky girl that I was able to find two new helpers who are also pretty amazing!
So, if I had to give friend to friend advice, and that is all that this is*, I would say put on a happy face. Talk about what is making you sad with people you love and trust. I know that it feels like it will last forever and you have to walk the path alone. You don’t. And if you aren’t pregnant, please see a doctor, but I couldn’t take anything so I just had to muddle through. My recipe for not-disaster was simply shower-sunshine-friends-prayer. And struggles. You are strong. You can do hard things. What is on the other side of the dark you are in is brighter than you can imagine. Hugs to anyone who is struggling with this. I would not wish it on anyone. And this little girl was worth it.Â
Lastly: Using knit for binding. I had a few questions and emails on this. The reason you cut quilting cotton on the bias for curved bindings is to get as much stretch as you can. Since the knit has so much stretch already, I tried to keep it tight, but not too tight. Not like a drum, just laying nicely flat. Does that help?
Hopefully I answered all of your questions, but if I missed any, just leave me a note below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
ETA: *this is in no way, shape, or form any kind of medical advice. this is what worked for me. If you are struggling with feelings of sadness, depression or thoughts of harming yourself, please stop reading this post and go see a qualified doctor.

Amanda: Thanks for clarifying about the type of sheets. I wondered also. As for your depression during your pregnancy, well, Ella was certainly worth it and much more, that’s for sure. XOXOX
Just an FYI, not connected to your post, when I click on one of your quilt pictures I am redirected to a snap widget site which has a lot of flashing ads for watching sexy girls and chatting with them. This is a bit off putting, so just thought you might want to be aware of it.
Just a lurker here wanting to comment on how brave you are to share your pregnancy depression story. I know there is someone out there who has been helped greatly by your post cuz she feels like she is all alone. Sometimes we do just have to power through life and your precious Ella is a blessing for sure! Hope you’re feeling better and thanks for letting others know it’s “normal” to be depressed when your hormones are screwed up (menopause does this, too!)…love your new “Twinkle” pattern, too!