I love June. The weather is finally reliably warm but not uncomfortably hot. My backdoor is open from morning until night. The neighbors and friends are all outside and it is finally time for my garden to bloom. And the blooming is a wonder to me every year.
I have a weakness when it comes to roses. They seem to be the essence of romance. And in my garden, I have managed to grow a few different varieties. I wish they had invented digital photos with smell. These grow near my kitchen window and when the breeze blows through, my kitchen smells so wonderful!
Speaking of kitchens, the real stars of June in my house are my berry plants. There is no comparison between store bought berries and berries allowed to ripen on their vines. These are destined to be freezer jam. Soon. Probably-tonight soon.
Any suggestions for what else I should plant in my garden? I have a space normally taken by pumpkin and zucchini, but Mr. Fox specifically asked for no pumpkins (too big) and no zucchini (too many) so aside from planting even more tomatoes, I am at a loss.
So, do you love June? What’s your favorite part?

herbs? I love my basil & chives! I really wish I had pretty roses like that, too. :]
Definitely plant some basil to go with all those tomatoes. Cucumbers?
I love June because it’s winter in this part of the world! LOVE it! Winter is perfect for cozying up inside and doing some sewing. 🙂
Whenever I plant tomatoes I also make sure to plant a jalapeno so we can make salsa. They’re easy to grow, too. I’m more of a winter girl, so June isn’t my favorite month. But my kids love the sunshine, so I do enjoy hanging out with them in the backyard in the morning sunshine.
Maybe some dill, rosemary, or basil. I am having really good output from my pepper plant this year. I think they are the hungarian wax (hot banana pepper). Those are also pretyy fast growers. We planted some broccoli and brussel sprouts for the first time so hopefully those will turnout. I love brussel sprouts lightly cooked in a little butter. What about some watermelon?
I would also suggest basil. It is the easiest thing to grow from seed. But really, who couldn’t use more home-grown tomatoes? Whatever you cannot eat fresh, you can either freeze or can and eat throughout the winter months. Have you planted any heirloom tomatoes? I suggest Brandywine or Caspian Pink. They are competitors for Best Tomato Flavor Ever. Or how about French filet beans? They are so good! I think gardening is my favorite part of June. The garden is in full swing here in East Texas and the veggies are rolling in. We can hardly keep up!
I guess it depends on how much space you have. I’d say green beans. Basil doesn’t take up too much space and if you trim it well it gets HUGE! (I made a bunch of pesto with 2 plants last year – enough to give as Christmas gifts and still have a bunch left fir me!) but if you do rows of beans -each row 1week apart, you should have a good amount. Good luck. Looks like you have a gorgeous garden!
I am so jealous! I live in Calgary, and due to the freezing winter and cold and rainy “spring” everything is a month behind. My garden is looking pretty pitiful! It’s nice to be able to see how nicely yours is growing!
Your strawberries look so good! I want to reach through my monitor to grab them up and eat them!!
Have you tried to grow lettuce?
Beautiful photos! I don’t have any planting suggestions, other than the fact that if you don’t yet have a Double Delight rose, you NEED to get one. In my opinion–the best rose EVER!
Herbs was my suggestion, too! I grow basil and flat leaf parsley, along with oregano and dill. The basil and flat leaf parsely, however, are the two I couldn’t do without. I also grow hollyhocks–which are my favorite flower–and hydrangeas and lillies. We have a lot of shade, so hostas are my go-to plants for those areas. I love gardening, and I love canning, too! In southern Maryland there are many Amish farmers, so we have a produce auction on M/W/F that I frequent to buy in bulk for canning:) Good luck with your garden!!!
I like peas and strawberries. Both are noble plants .. right now we are in winter and comforts me see your garden
Basil is great and buttercrunch leaf lettuce or little pickeling cukes they taste so good!