I’m not sure what to say about the following pictures. I love this quilt. Bunches. Can a picture be worth a thousand words and we just call it a mellow Sunday afternoon?
The Front
The back. I had a few extra blocks and really REALLY wanted to enjoy some of my precious fabrics.
The Binding
That piece of gold bubble dots makes me smile every time.
Something really special (to me) happened last week. Someone sent me a picture of what they made with fabric from our shop. Susi sent me a picture of what a charm pack from our shop became.
It is truly unfortunate that today, I seem to have no words. This picture made me so very happy. I cried. Then, I showed pretty much everyone I know. A charm pack I cut went to Germany. And now, Jamie has a little Gnomie quilt. Thank you SO much, Susi, for sharing with me!
That is Lisbeth who said:
Lisbeth says:
May 22, 2012 at 8:12 am (Edit)
Oooh, I’d go for Amy Butler’s Lark – but I don’t know if I’d choose the layer cake or the jelly roll – they’re both so much fun to use!
Thanks for the chance to win such a generous giveaway!
It looks like she is going to have to make up her mind 🙂
Lisbeth, I won’t be back to my computer until Tuesday, so you are welcome to email me your info or I’ll contact you after the holiday weekend.
PS: We are having a sale in our shop to celebrate our being able to spend time quietly, as a family, on this Memorial Day Weekend. Use the code MEMORIAL for 10% off anything and everything until we make our next trip to the Post Office on Wednesday, May 30th.

What a GORGEOUS quilt and a stunning setting for photos. And awww, look at that little quilty. How exciting for you to see what your fabric has become!
I LOVE how the quilt turned out!!!! Seriously so pretty!!!
Thank you so much for your sweet words, dear Amanda! Im so happy that we met!
Gorgeous quilt. What an excellent way to showcase your FMF!
Woo-hoo! That is so exciting, because I never win anything! I’ll email you tomorrow. 🙂
Re: your gorgeous quilt above, it is beautiful. Can I say I think I like the back even more than the front? Fantastic!
That quilt is just amazing, I love how you put the patterns and colors together…especially the back! Adore!