I cannot explain how excited I am to announce that our little shop has Flea Market Fancy available in Pre-cut Fat Quarter bundles, jelly rolls, charm packs, as well as half and full yard bundles!
If you had asked me a month ago, I would have told you that we were closing our shop. What you wouldn’t have known is that I was so tired I literally could barely stand up and walk from the couch to the kitchen. Luckily, we figured out the issue and I am much more myself again! So much so, that we have ordered a bunch of new fabrics for our fun little etsy shop and I am just thrilled to share them with you!
So, would you like to win a full Fat Quarter Bundle of Flea Market Fancy? I am dying to share! Just head over to my facebook page or twitter page and follow me and come on back and leave me a comment! Since Google did away with friend connect, I am feeling a little lonely…
That’s it! I will pick one lucky winner at the end of the week (this friday) and mail the parcel off to wherever they live in the whole wide world!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you guys are as excited as I am!

Glad you’re feeling much better, I remember feeling so tired during my pregnancies and took Floradix (not sure if it’s available in the states), it’s liquid iron and amazing! Very kind of you too to give away such delicious fabric – I’d love some please!
Sorry should have said I already follow you on facebook! x
Hello! I like you or follow you or whatever they are calling it on FB these days. Glad you have more energy these days.
Yipee! Just ordered some from you. Would you belive that I was just getting interested in sewing when FMF was out the first time, and I thought it was…hideous. Silly, silly me.
Oh yes!! That is the most beautiful sight! Count me in for sure. I already like you on Facebook. Yahoo.
I ‘like’ on FB (Rebecca Marie) and follow on Twitter (ourbusybunch). THANKS for the chance at those beautiful fabrics!
I’m a FB follower. Glad you are doing well and thanks for sharing the love!!
I really enjoy your blog and now I’m following your FB page as well! Glad you’re feeling better – I was severely anemic during my twin pregnancy and the iron supp. helped SO much! Brought me back to life!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I follow you on Facebook.
– Margaret Glendening
I like you on FB! Glad you are feeling better Anamda – thanks for the chance to win!
Glad that you are feeling much better and that sewing still brightens up your day- I know it does mine!
I follow you on Facebook!
and twitter! 😀
I like you on Facebook and I follow you on Twitter! 🙂
So glad you’re feeling better! I would love to win some lovely FMF, if only to just throw it in the air and let it rain on me in all kinds of fabric-y goodness. (Just kidding, I will actually make something beautiful out of it, after I’ve cuddled it a bit.) I follow you on facebook!
I liked you on FB!
Glad your feeling better! Would love some of this line!! Too Exciting! Thanks for the chance to win! I like you on FB!!
So glad you are feeling better. It stinks to feel so tired and yucky! Flea Market Fancy, how wonderful! I am already a FB fan & I like you. : )
I liked your Facebook page!
I absolutely love FMF and would love to win a bundle. I have liked your facebook page and can’t wait to see your updates in my newsfeed. 🙂
Would adore this bundle!!!! I like you on FB!!
I already liked your FB page, thanks for the chance to win Flea Market Fancy, YUM!
I’m so glad you’re feeling better!
I’ve liked you on facebook, though I must admit I’m never on facebook. I guess I’m just too old! But you’re in my google reader and that’s the important thing!
I follow you on facebook 🙂
Glad the iron helped!
I love this fabric, so much so that I went ahead and am now following you on Twitter. I also follow along in my Google reader, too.
I already follow you via Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win…this is one line I have been eagerly anticipating!
well…..I am really glad you are getting well again! and having this amazing line in your shop must be so exciting!!!! thanks so much for sharing!
Love the new bundle and glad you feel better! I am a facebook follower!
I like you on FB!
I didn’t know you were on twitter 🙂 following.
I follow on FB. So glad that you’re feeling better! (And congratulations on the pregnancy!)
I’m glad the iron supplements are making you feel better! I have to take them all of the time, even when I’m not pregnant, because I have a tendency to become anemic. It makes such a huge difference!
I am following your facebook page, love your shop!
I follow you on fb 🙂 Glad you’re feeling better!
i already follow you on facebook – great giveaway! :)!
Yay! Baby! Congrats 🙂
I’d love a hunk of these gorgeous prints, thanks! I’m a facebook fan 🙂
I “like” you on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.
Should have read the whole post and then I would have realised that you were having a giveaway too! I was distracted by the pretty pictures. 😉
I follow in google reader. 😀
So glad you are feeling better! And what a fab giveaway! Woo Hoo! Fingers crossed for me. I follow you on FB btw. 🙂
I follow you on facebook. Thanks for the awesome giveaway
I am glad you are feeling better! It’s such an exciting time in the fabric world, and flea market fancy has been so long awaited it’s awesome that you’re giving some away! I am following on facebook 🙂
I follow you on twitter! I am so excited that you will have pre cuts of this line! I am crossing my fingers to win this awesome FQ bundle.
It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?! I went over and liked you on Facebook! 🙂 Thanks for the fab giveaway.
Thank you so very much. I liked you on facebook!
I’m already a FB follower! Thanks!
Following on Twitter and Flickr! I’m not always chatty, but I check flickr updates every day 🙂 and your lovely additions are very much appreciated!
I am now a Facebook follower! Thanks for the giveaway.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Happy you are feeling better. I am a FB fan.
Glad you’re better. That can make a HUGE difference. And it’s a great reason to go enjoy a nice juicy steak:-) And I found you on FB:P
I like you on FB.
I like you on Facebook. Those are beautiful fabrics. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the chance to win that Flea Market Fancy…..I’m new to your blog but bookmarked you and followed you on facebook. Your blog is fantastic! I’m going to spend some time going back thru your stuff……Thanks!
Oh yes, I like you on FB! I know we already talked about this on flickr, but I want to say again that I’m really happy for you that you figured out what was going on with your body and that you’re feeling SO much better! What a happy story…. Thanks for the giveaway too.
Ack! This is such a bundle of fabric gorgeousness that I literally wouldn’t know how to count my lucky stars if it came home to live with me! Thanks so much for sharing…. it is simply perfection, the whole darn collection! I am so glad that Denyse reissued it. I came to sewing just a little too late (circa Katie Jump Rope) to nab some the first time around! I don’t facebook (sigh) but I do follow you on twitter. @Jennyroo1
Oh sweetie … while GFC is gone you are not forgotten! I have you on FB and twitter.
I just had to pick some FMF to beem about.
Here’s to a great year!
I’m your old good reader through Google Reader but now and Facebook fan too!:) like your fabric treasures!
I’ve been following your blog for quite sometime but I just popped over to FB and liked your page. Glad you are feeling better.
Now we are FB friends…yay 🙂 I would love to get a little bit of this FMF goodness!!
So glad you are feeling better. I have been feeling kinda Ugh lately too. I am not pregnant though. Wonder if I could be my iron levels. Hmm. Anywho thank you for a chance to wn such an awesome giveaway! I have been following you for quite some time now. Thanks Again!
Ashley @ Thereisnoplacelikehomemade
I don’t facebook or twitter but I do Flickr so I have added you as a contact and hopefully that is ok. Plus I use Google Reader to keep up to date with your posts. I wish they still had the follow button but Reader works ok too.
i’m a follower on facebook! how odd that i wasn’t following your blog on blogger until now… i love your crafty projects!
Pretty sure that since I’m your mom I already follow you. I would totally follow you anywhere. But that being said, I think it would be great if a daughter could hook her mom up with a little FMF. Those stacks are just so, so pretty. Oooh, makes me want to just sing with fabric joy. So if Mr. Random Number Generator picks me, please send it my way. I think you know my address.
I followed you both on Twitter and Facebook. 🙂 Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂 rebeccajoypowers@gmail.com
Ooh pick me I love the flea market fancy but have already missed out on buying it as I am so far away in new Zealand. I love the grey and orange ones the best!! Xxx love your blog too. Am all inspired to make some cushion covers like yours.
I’m following on facebook! And this new fabric is crazy cute! So glad you’re feeling better! How about I come over and help you cut a little, yeah? Loves
Awesome giveaway! I follow you on Facebook and get your blog updates through email. So glad you are blogging again and I can’t wait to see the new additions to the shop! (Also, I think your mom’s comment is adorable!) 🙂
Oh goodness, does it count for extra if its my birthday? Always love your stuff on flickr, now I’m following you on FB too! So glad you’re feeling better!
I follow your blog via blogger but I have also LIKED you on FB. Great giveaway. Glad to hear you are feeling better and that it was an easy fix.
Thanks for the chance to win some FMF! I would love to win!! I like you on FB!
Hi, I’ve followed you on Twitter (basmatitweets) – glad you’re feeling better and lucky you being surrounded by all that FMF!
I am following you on Twitter @W8ing4Wentworth
Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway.
I still have you in google reader! thanks for the giveaway and so happy you are feeling better!
What a lovely giveaway! I follow you on twitter now. Glad you are feeling better!
Oh I’ve been so anxiously waiting for this FMF reprint! So glad it’s finally, finally here! Thank you very much for giving away a FQ bundle! And glad to hear that you are feeling much better, best of luck to you and your shop!! I’m a twitter follower (@tingtongnthings)!
I followed you on Twitter. Thanks for the chance!
please consider my hat in the right…although i admit i am not on facebook or twitter, i do follow your blog!
New to your blog and Facebook. Bought some Flea Market Fancy yesterday from your shop, thanks again and glad you are feeling better. I love the chance to win a little more. 🙂
I’ve added you on my rss feed- love your blog:) AND love FMF!! Thanks for the awesome ideas and awesome giveaway.
Lovely indeed! What a generous giveaway! My fingers are crossed!!!
p.s. I followed you on FB. 🙂
I like you on Facebook!
I follow you on Twitter.
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been looking at Flea Market Fancy, so I went and LIKED you on Facebook!
I am now following you on twitter (@crawdaddy1115). Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win
Like you on facebook – would love to win this!!
I just liked your Facebook page! Thanks so much for the giveaway, and best of luck with the future of your awesome little shop!
Yippieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I started following you on twitter. thanks for hosting the giveaway!
i’m a new Facebook friend (of you- fmf and i have been friends for a long time;)
Thanks for the exciting fmf giveaway! I “liked” your facebook page and left a comment there.
I’ve “liked” your facebook page – thanks!
YAY! I’m already following you on FB.
What a fabulous giveaway — love this fabric! I like you on Facebook.
Glad you are feeling better, I hated being on iron because of the *ahem* side effects, so I hope its working out for you! Great giveaway, can any have too much FMF?
Wow what a generous giveaway! I like you on facebook!
Absolutely lovely fabric. Just getting started and can’t wait to read up on your blog and start following your projects.
Hi! I’m a new follower on your Facebook page–Fabulous Home Sewn Products! Awesome giveaway!
I am now following you on Facebook.
Liked you on FB! Thanks for the chance to win. This fabric is yummy!
Just came back from liking you on FB. Thanks for the giveaway! Also, even though they did away with the Google Friend Connect I’m still getting your updates with Google Reader. 🙂
HI Amanda! I follow you on flickr, read your blog, follow you on twitter and favorite you on Etsy. I have eagerly been awaiting the release of FMF and would jump up and down, squeal with utter joy and do a happy dance to win your giveaway! Even though google friend is gone Google+ opens up a whole new world of quiltie friends.
I’m a facebook fan! 🙂 Thanks for a lovely giveaway and heres to feeling better! 🙂
I’d have “liked” you even without a giveaway but how could I possibly resist this one? 🙂 p.s. loved the pillows you made for the PTS… 🙂
I am now following you on Twitter! I am so glad I found your shop!!
I went to Facebook and liked you. Thank you for the giveaway.
Congrats on feeling better! It is the worst feeling sick, helpless, etc. Can’t wait to get some of this fabric! You should do an RSS feed if that is possible. Have no idea how that works or how easy it is, but just a thought.
Oh yah…and I like you on FB
I *liked* you on fb. thanks for the chance!!
Hi Amanda, great little giveaway! I have liked you for quite awhile on FB! Gld to hear you are feeling better!!
I ‘liked’ you! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
I am following you on Twitter as @LethargicLass 🙂 Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!
You just got a new FB like from me!
You are so generous!!! Thanks for the chance to win this delicious fabric! I LOVE FMF!!!!!!!!!
yes, please! and i liked you on fb!
Great giveaway! Glad you figured things out and are feeling yourself.
I’m your newest facebook friend! Thanks for such a A M A Z I N G giveaway giftie!!!
Oooh yes please, I’d love a chance to win!
So glad to hear you’re feeling better 🙂
Beautiful fabric!!
I’m glad you are feeling better! 🙂 thanks for the awesome giveaway! Whoever wins it will be one lucky duck! I an now following you on Facebook and twitter.
I am now following you on twitter. Thank You for the chance at the giveaway. Congratulations and glad your feeling better.
What a great give away! I just got a couple of the prints and they are so lovely.
Liked your page on Facebook! I just recently found your etsy shop and LOVE your fabrics :o) Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh me, oh my!!
I don’t even know what I’ll do with myself if I win … SO much lovely. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Following you on Twitter & Facebook :).
I like you on FB! Thanks for the chance!
I liked you on FB
Liked you on fb. Lovely giveaway! 🙂
What a scare! I am glad you figured out what was wrong and are Ok! Isn’t the collection beautiful!?
bad job google! i wondered why i had been missing you! now i can see you on FB! congrats on the shop’s success!
I liked your FB page. My favorite in the line is the posies! Yum! 🙂
I liked your facebook page!! And thanks for the chance at the best fabric collection ever!!!!:)
oh my gosh – oh. my. gosh. I must must MUST win this, lol!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway
FB, Check! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway! Glad to hear you are feeling yourself again! FMF will do that to ya 🙂
I liked you on Facebook. Have just recently found your blog and I am really enjoying it. Cheers for the chance to win!
I now like you on Facebook. I know there is a way I am getting notifications of other blogs that use WordPress. I am going to have to see if I can do that with yours!
Wow, now I want to go out and get my iron levels tested! Sadly, I’m pretty sure the thing getting to me is just plain stress. 😀
I now follow you on facebook and have lost some time going through all the pretty pictures!
Thanks so much for the giveaway. 🙂
Glad you are feeling better! Already ‘like’ you on fb!
This is such a beautiful bundle! I currently like you on FB and will have to add you to twitter as well. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a generous giveaway – thanks so much!!! Got a thumbs up from me on FB! Love the crocheted edge on your blog – you do? 😉
I liked you on facebook.
Thanks for this opportunity, it’s such a pretty line.
I follow you! Great blog!
Liked you on FB. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’m now following you on twitter (@meliblom). Thank you for the generous giveaway!
I was not sewing the year this originally came out and so I have never owned any FMF. I would be over the moon to have some on my shelf.
Oh I have just done the facebook and twitter thing – why not – what an awesome giveaway – thanks for the chance x
What an awesome giveaway! Now following you on twitter. 🙂
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Isn’t this fabric gorgeous?! Thanks for the chance to win this great bundle.
I like you on Facebook 🙂
I love this fabric! I like you on FB 🙂
I now follow you on FB (Nancy Sue Bevis Phillips). Thank you for organizing this giveaway!
…tweet tweet tweet…
i follow you on Twitter as @binkiege
I’m a follower 🙂 Wonderful line, and wonderful that you’re feeling in good health again
I’m a happy facebook and google reader follower!
So happy to see you feeling more like yourself now! and wow – flea market fancy – being surrounded by that must be good for the soul! Thanks for the amazing opportunity to win a bundle!
I’m following on Facebook and twitter! Great giveaway — thank you!!
Glad things are looking up! great giveaway. I like you on FB.
I’m now following you on Twitter – @CraftyMamaD – I miss GFC too, I felt so alone when it disappeared from my sidebar!taylo
I am now following you on twitter and I liked you on facebook.
I am following you on twitter @gadget19ks
I liked you on FB…added u as contact on Flickr but can’t find where to follow on my phone 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win!
Liked your FB page…thanks for such a fun giveaway!
Following on Twitter @Distracteddebra
I already follow you on facebook! Beautiful fabric! Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
Beautiful fabric! Love your blog. What a wonderful giveaway
I followed your Facebook! I’ve subscribed the blog for a while already.
I went to your facebook page and your twitter both. I don’t want you feeling lonely, we are here. Head over to my blog and enter my fun giveaway, you will never guess what I am giving away!!! Thanks for a chance to win FMF. I need some of it!!!
Hey Amanda as I was searching on etsy I found your shop and blog. I love all of your fun projects and fabrics! I liked you on Facebook and I am so happy to have found you:)