What was the last book you read that touched your soul? For me, Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon resonated with something deep inside of me that I needed to get in touch with during these turbulent times. I didn’t expect a book about life & love on the Oregon Trail to be so relevant, but this story is timely, necessary, and beautiful.
The night I found out that church, school and every other part of my routing had been canceled, my anxiety spiraled. Feeling low watching a news conference, it felt like watching the end of the world. So I reached out to an amazing local author, Amy Harmon, who generously brought me a copy of her brand new book, Where the Lost Wander, and it has changed my life.
Immediately diving in to the opening prologue, the main character faces an unthinkable situation. It’s painful, it’s raw & it really threw me for a loop. I set the book down that night unsure if I could handle what was inside. But a few days later, unable to focus on anything else I picked up, I returned to the world of Naomi May & John Lowry & I’m so glad I did. This story had my heart from the get-go.
Following a family traveling west by wagon train, the overarching storyline details struggles and experiences of the adventurers who built our country. I don’t want to spoil anything, but what I took away from this book was a story of resilience. The writing reminds me of how our ancestors, my great great grandparents faced hardship, trials, disease and death but they overcame, persevered and thrived in the face of adversity. There are so many amazing quotes and thoughts on facing fear without letting it drive you, on allowing hope in despite how uncomfortable or improbable it might feel. Almost more importantly, the love story is perfect. It includes every. single. thing. I look for in a real, nitty gritty relationship.
One night as I stitched masks, I realized that while I had finished the book, my head and my heart were still wrapped up in the story. I rarely rate books with five stars, but WtLW deserves six. Amy has outdone herself and I won’t ever be the same.
If you are looking for a book that will lift you up, inspire you, and give you hope, pick up Where the Lost Wander. If you are looking for a timeless love story, pick up Where the Lost Wander. If you are struggling to focus on other books, please pick up Where the Lost Wander. You won’t regret it.
Where to find it:
You can find Where the Lost Wander on Amazon here.
It’s available in both paperback & kindle, and kindle unlimited formats. (If you aren’t already a member of the Kindle Unlimited book lending program, this is a great time to join. Amy has generously included this title in the program which means that you can read it for free after joining. I personally read SO MANY Kindle unlimited books each month and I highly recommend the program if you read 2-3 books/month!)