WHEW. Yesterday’s post was really hard for me to write. Guys, being vulnerable is hard sometimes. Today’s post, on the other hand is easier. And way more fun. Today , visualize yourself in a year. You’re happier. You’re full of life. And guess what, when you have light & life inside you, it’s pretty hard to keep it inside.
Today we are going to share the light we have! (here is a lovely blog about how you don’t have to be healed to help) There are hundreds of studies that show you benefit physically and emotionally from helping others. Now, helping others and sharing your happiness can be challenging. Especially if you don’t even want to leave the house. But I can give you several good reasons to make the decision to do it.
Doing a good deed:
Stimulates serotonin – the feel good hormone!
Makes your mind think more highly of yourself
Produces endorphins – your brain’s natural painkiller hormone
Releases oxytocin which reduces blood pressure, protects your heart and increases optimism
‘Doing acts of kindness reduces anxiety. During four weeks, University of British Columbia researchers assigned people with high levels of anxiety to do kind acts for other people at least six times a week. The researchers found that doing nice things for people led to a significant increase in people’s positive moods. It also led to an increase in relationship satisfaction and a decrease in social avoidance in socially anxious individuals.’ (credit here)
Day 8 Challenge – #31daystohappy
Do a random act of kindness at some point today. Sit in a public area and actively look for something to do that will make someone else’s day happier. Seek the opportunity, but don’t overthink it.
Hop in line just to pay for someone else’s coffee. Help a frazzled mom with the door. Make bread or treats for a neighbor you know could use a lift. Sharing your light grows your own flame.
I’d love it if you’d share your act of kindness on IG, or something that happened to you. Believe it or not, witnessing an act of kindness is just as good for you and motivates others to do their own random act of kindness. Start a chain reaction! I’d love if you’d tag me (@acraftyfox_amanda) and use the #31daystohappy hashtag so I can see it! I’ve also created a button to pin & spread the word!
I’ve benefitted from this skill with better health, a feeling of being a contributor, and a sense of calm money can’t buy! Make doing one good deed a habit. Build your kindness muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it will be!
Thank you so much for following along on this journey. Your comments and emails have meant the world to me!
I am not a doctor and nothing I write here is a substitute for medical advice. If you are suffering from a medical condition or unhealthy thoughts, please seek help immediately. For my full disclaimer, please click here

One of my favorite ideas/techniques for making a good day. Thank you again Amanda. Just reading these posts lift my spirits.
Hi Amanda! Yesterday I was the recipient of an act of kindness! We were coming out of the supermarket with the kids. There was an offer of a pack of Star Wars trading cards for every 30€ spent and they’ve given me 7. Needless to say I had to keep one (I have two kids) so they would have 3 each. As we were coming down to the parking lot I feel an tap on my shoulder and here was a young woman with a pack in her hand. She said, may be your kids would like it? So, that made it even! I felt exhilarated! Yeap, it lifted my spirits! I need to pass it on!