‘The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.’ – Oprah Winfrey
It’s a good feeling to stand on solid ground. To trust what you work on today is important, but if it doesn’t pan out something better will take its place. What a different persepective. It’s an entirely new thought process and I am truly loving it. But we still need a direction to act on. Pull out your goal from our first prompt. Remember that one you wrote down? Let’s go that way. But which way is it and how do we start?
Have you made changes this month? I know I have. If we want our lives to be different, we have to do different things. We have to change. Change is rewarding and exciting and often uncomfortable. But it’s hard to take an adventure if you stay in the same spot all the time. I’ve always said I would be more productive, more happy, more on top of my game if I could just get an extra hour.
I want my life to be a daring adventure. I have big plans to steer my ship into the land of my dreams. And I’ve learned something uncomfortable. The first hour of my day determines if I make forward progress or if foul winds blow me behind on any given day. If I wait until my kids or spouse or even alarm for work wake me up, now they steer my ship. For me, letting my kids or a panic attack steer did not get me where I wanted to go.
I found getting up an hour earlier and starting the day on my own terms allows me control over more of my own life. I can control my attitude, my thoughts, and my body better when I wake it up and put it to work. First, I get up and repeat my new mantra to myself. I visualize achieving my new goals as I walk around the block. Then, I come home and start to write. I’m not sure why I stopped creating anything but copy for my shop’s newsletters. Getting up early has allowed me to rediscover something I am passionate about and become more of the me I want to be.
Day 21 Prompt – #31daystohappy
To change your life, you need to change what you do. Sit down tonight and plan the first hour of your day including time to repeat your new mantra in peace & quiet, walk around the block, and include time to write in your journal about your dreams and your gratitude. Schedule your alarm for a time when you know you will get an hour all to yourself.
As a testimonial, I am a life-long night owl. I have always loathed mornings. I loved my bed and all that it stood for, and I still do. But now, it’s me controlling when I wake up and how my day starts and it has been liberating.
So, are you a morning person? Is this going to be easy peasy? Or are you already giving me side eye? (ha! it’s ok, I would have given myself side eye just a few months ago!!) If you are going to try this, please leave me a comment and let me know!
Thank you for reading along!

Oh how well I remember how much you hate mornings! Getting you up in high school was such a difficult chore. I’m glad you have discovered the secret of that hour in the morning to set the tone for your day.
I’m not sure there should be any life awake before my children. Lol hahaha I’m giving you the sideways look but I’ll TRYYYYY tomorrow. Just for you. 🙂
This has been a struggle for me my entire life. No joke. But with a baby waking me up at 4:30-5 for nursing it has been easier to just get up. The husband is waking then and I have found the days I can do this are my best days. Not every day is like that but the ones I do make happen have given me excitement for the next morning. Bed time is early 🙂 I have been listening to the lively show on your recomendation on the modern podcast… her recent talks on flow have been giving me lots to think about, the more flowing hours the more room to give to happiness. These early hours are perfect for flowing.
Hm, my husband likes to walk in the evening and I used to also….. I am not doing it even though my husband does…so yes I’ll try out I will walk tomorrow morning and think and plan and set out on my day with a plan in mind
Thank you
Since retiring I am still a morning person but have lost the quiet time I had in the car and my office. So after we get home in 2 weeks I will try walking alone in the AM. I enjoy these posts so much thank you .
I’m a morning person out of necessity as I do shift work. Some mornings when my husband doesn’t get up with me, I have about half an hour of quiet while I have a coffee so I try to get mentally ready for the day! I usually have a regrouping time after work though when I sit on the bed & ban everyone from disturbing me ☺️
An oz of morning is worth a lb of afternoon