How often do you get outside? Like, no-cell-reception-there-might-be-bears outside? It is amazing to me how much getting outside allows my mind to rest and recharge. Since I decided I am pursuing happiness, one of my box 1 activities is going for walks. And specifically, I love walking without my cell phone. As a family, most nights we leave our phones plugged in, load up our crazy little people and head out to get fresh air.
This last winter, when my anxiety became debilitating, I remember just wanting to get out of the house. But with the ground frozen solid, I retreated to my room where I had nothing to focus on except my worries. I didn’t even want to be around the amazing women who help me with my shop. This part of anxiety might be the worst part. The solution to anxiety seems to be getting outside of my own worries, but the anxiety had me focusing so much energy towards my worries I was too exhausted to try and get out.
I have found my initial instinct to get outside and walk has significant healing properties. I find that walking is almost a moving meditation. It gives my mind just the right amount of new stimulation and requires me to focus on my surroundings instead of my worries.
The truth is when my anxiety rears its ugly head, I don’t feel much like doing this simple, healing activity. I want to cocoon myself and not do anything. By forcing myself up and outside, I relax remarkably quickly. But getting myself to make the seemingly simple decision to get outside was a challenge.
This summer, my little people didn’t get much time outside. Up until the end of July, we didn’t go to splash pads, or waterparks, or pretty much anything. My husband and I took a trip I’ve been dreaming of since high school, but I had to drag myself out the door in the morning. My feelings and emotions were so turned in, I couldn’t really focus on my little people or having fun. When I realized that what I really wanted was to be happy, I had to admit to myself that sitting inside & worrying did not make me happy. So I decided to do the opposite. I’m so glad I did. Outside, it is much easier to realize that my worries are just a moment and there is so much beauty around me.
Day 17 Prompt – #31daystohappy
Get outside – like really outside – and take a walk. Leave the phone at home. Breathe in fresh air and really look at how much beauty is all around. Appreciate this moment for what it is. Store that feeling so you can call it to mind if you start to feel your anxiety tugging at your attention.
If you are following on IG, I’d just love to have you post a picture of the beauty around you!
(these two dress themselves ;))
Thank you for reading along. This entire week is going to be about taking care of yourself. Treating yourself like the valuable, beloved person that you are. So clear a few minutes from your schedule each day and check back for a few of the things that I’ve found made a huge difference in how I see myself!
If you are just joining us on this pursuit of happiness, please read here to see what this is all about and here for step one!
I am not a doctor and nothing I write here is a substitute for medical advice. If you are suffering from a medical condition or unhealthy thoughts, please seek help immediately. For my full disclaimer, please click here

Yes! This is all so true. Walking makes me feel the most at peace. It really is meditation. And like you, when I most need the walk, I struggle to get out of the house. We were on the road last week and I hiked up to the lake of the clouds. It was absolute serenity!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!
….the smiles on your kids…..the excitement!