The flooding in Australia and the stories that are coming out of that corner of the world are simply devastating. Families are losing children, homes, everything they hold dear.
If you are interested in reading more about what is happening in Australia, there are some heartbreaking blog posts here.
I would like to offer up a little something that perhaps can add a few dollars to the Premier’s Flood Relief Fund.
I will ship this little fox anywhere in the world. If you like him, and would like him to come home to live with you, today is your lucky day!
He is currently up for auction! He lives in an eight inch hoop and he is desperately trying to pick some bluebells to brighten your day. If only he weren’t so small!
If you would like him to come live with you, and you would like to help our friends in Australia, here is how this auction will work:
- Bidding will start at $10.00.
- You can place a bid by leaving a comment on this blog post with your bid amount and email address (or make sure I have some way to find you if you win!).
- Pretty Please make sure that your bid is higher than the previous bidder.
- Please keep your bid to whole dollar increments.
- This auction is open to everyone, anywhere in the world.
- The auction begins NOW and will END at 10pm on Friday 21 January, 2011 (MST).
- Saturday, January 22nd, I will contact the winner The winner will pay the winning amount directly into the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal and send me proof of payment via email. Once proof of payment has been received, I will safely package Mr Fox and send him to you.
- Thank you and happy bidding!

oh, i love mr. fox already. i’ll start the bidding at ten dollars.
What a wonderful thing you’re doing. I’ll start the bidding at $20.
$20 🙂
I will start the bidding. I bid $10
I bid $25.
I’ll bid $35
he really is awfully cute!
You also might want to check the link you have in Flickr, I had to add w’s to get to your auction blog.
I bid $40. This is so cute!
$45 – he’s adorable & featured today on Make it Perfect, so no doubt i’ll get bidded out, sigh, love Posie
I bid $50.00 – so, so cute!!