So if you are following along, on day 1 of our #31daystohappy we thoughtfully pondered a big question and made some decisions. On day 2, we decided which decisions we don’t want to make anymore. And here we are on day 3, once again looking decision making in the face. Today, you conquer. Or, more accurately, begin the process of conquering.
As quilters, crafters, and general life-livers we tend to start things with a bang. New things are fun. They add excitement. They fill our brain’s need for variety.
But, sometimes, we don’t finish what we start. If you are like me, you get to a point in the process where an issue arises or you need to make a choice. But instead of tackling it, you set the problem aside for ‘later’. For instance, I couldn’t decide whether to add cornerstones to the sashing on this quilt.
These unfinished things pile up but our brain doesn’t really stop thinking about them. Think of them as an app running in the background slowing down the amazing computer that is your mind.
This includes home improvement projects, sewing projects, and even just little maintenance things like the lightbulbs I’ve left burnt out in my shower for the last 2 months. (there’s plenty of sunshine, but everytime I flip that switch I am reminded it needs to be done). Laundry is another big one for me. When I let it pile up, nothing else in my life goes as smoothly. I have dozens of these. Dozens. And it always feels SO GOOD to finish them. It’s like your brain can let them go and your mind runs faster & calmer. Personally, my goal is to no longer have long-unfinished projects on my mind by the end of this year (and part of my 31 days will share how to do that, too!)
(I’m posting these pictures to keep it real. Life is messy. It’s not all pinterest-worthy)
Even if you can’t finish a big project, sometimes it’s just taking the next step that can help your mind to rest
Today, pull out the projects you’ve set aside. Go through them. Ask yourself: are there any that are nearly done? Just need binding? Need to be sent to a quilter? Or maybe the sashing needs to be added? Pick one project (just one) and try and make the next step on it this week.
To play along on instagram, you could show your unfinished projects, or perhaps just the favorite one that you’ve been thinking about. Don’t worry about showing a finish right now!
Since this is for me to be accountable, I plan to finish my kitchen’s cabinet project & hopefully an embroidered dresden I started several years ago (pictured above, pattern by Amy at nanacompany). Those two things seem to carry the most weight in my mind.
Finishing up projects frees up the creativity and power in your mind so it can be used for other things including resting. Resting is a verb for your mind that takes practice, but if every free neuron is working on something, it becomes much more difficult!
A Note About Our Happiness Project
I am not a doctor and nothing I write here is a substitute for medical advice. If you are suffering from a medical condition, please seek help from a professional immediately. For my full disclaimer, please click here

Hi Amanda. I’m enjoying watching you go through this process. Last year I did this same thing and forced myself some days to just “do the next step”. Although I didn’t finish all my unfinished projectsI accomplished great things in small bites and it does free up space in my mind. Who knew that this year id be fighting breast cancer without any energy to take any next step other than taking care of myself. And it feels good to say “this is what I’m doing for now” and to not have lots of projects on the back burner filling my mind up. Im cheering you on!
Denice, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer late last year and I’ve watched her go through the same thing. Facing a serious health challenge makes you refocus and evaluate your day to day decisions. Self care must be the number one priority.
My sister completed chemo, surgery and finished radiation two weeks ago. She feels great and tells me she now knows what to get upset about and what isn’t worth the energy! I wish you well on your journey and hope a full recovery is in your future.
This little series you are writing seems very timely. The past 18 mths have been tough and a few days ago I made some decisions that coincided beautifully with your project. Thank you for sharing these prompts and encouraging us to a less anxious way of living. I wish you and your family well with your adjustments and hope you hold on to the happiness you find. Thank you again.
How Amanda! I love taking part in this journey. Taking baby steps every day towards a better self. Thank you!
Amanda, these posts are just wonderful! So uplifting and possible. I can see the great wisdom in each one and we are only three into 31! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you are getting lots of interaction now, but my guess is that you will see more and more over time.
I love that this type of stitching can create any picture the artist imagines.
I’ m enjoying your posts! I am reminded of one of my sister’s favorite sayings, ‘how to eat an elephant…one small bite at a time!’. My dear sister has several chronic diseases, three children and a demanding full time job. Her solution to life is to tackle it bit by bit. On her worst feeling days it took her all day to unload a dishwasher but she managed by taking one thing out at a time! Her biggest ally is her sense of humor – she is always rejoicing in the funny scenario, the amusing anecdotes, the how long will it take them to notice moments! Laughter can be the best medicine!
This is working for me already! Thanks so much. My husband lives overseas for work right now so everything falls to me. We have a big house and yard. Some days it is paralyzing. I need to buy those big flood light bulbs too. Too many choices. Last night I made a list of what I need him to do when he gets home. Very freeing. He is choosing those bulbs! Tossed a bunch of stuff too. Who knew choosing a shampoo was stressful? I asked for no gifts for my birthday this year. My daughter and I went out for burgers and ice cream. So relaxing!
Thanks again.
Hi, Ramona! Thank you so much for commenting and your feedback! I really appreciate you sharing your story. I’ve also started asking for less ‘things’ (Except shoes ;)) and more ‘events’ like tickets to a movie or a gift card for a date night (bonus, I don’t have to choose the restaurant!)
Thank you again for sharing!
Timely topic on several levels. Just last night I planned what I would take to work on at a 4 day retreat that I have scheduled for next month and came to the conclusion that I am only going to work on things I’ve already got started. I don’t have that many but several are time intensive and with some attention I have faith that I can get them completed. I am enjoying your thirty day challenge
I have been working at one thing at a time with organization. Instead of beating myself up that every needs organized. I finish one and celebrate it being done even it is just a drawer. I Let myself feel accomplished. Next up is fabric that has been piling up.
So many unfinished projects! This is great!